Sunday, 23 March 2014

Hyper-Calvinism - Properly defined and thoroughly refuted

Hyper Calvinism - Properly defined and thoroughly refuted by Richard Storey


  1. Amen! you are a blessing and encouragement to the body of Christ! I pray for you to be salt and light in these dark dark days for the glory of God.

    Dr. Casey Smith

  2. Thank you very much for your comment, sir. All glory to God. May He bless you in your ministry also.

  3. I heard a seminary professor say that he wanted his daughters to go to heaven but he was not sure if they were “elect”, and therefore it would not be possible for them to be saved. I wanted to blurt out “Why don’t you just win them to Christ and they will be elect!” Which comes to my point, what effect does this doctrine have on those who believe it?
    “Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.” (Hebrew 13:9) If it is not of God, it does “not profited”. If you ask them what benefit is there in believing this, they will usually respond by saying, “It’s the truth”, but people on both sides of any argument believe their side is right. But the question remains, how does it profit Christians? If someone believes there is a hell, he is much more likely to get saved, and also be concerned about his loved ones and friends getting saved; but if he does not believe, then “let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die.”
    Things that are believed have an effect on us, for good if true, and for harm if false. For 40 years I have been asking those who believe this belief, what profit is there in it? The only real answer I have received in all this time was that they say it takes away all pride from man, as he has nothing to do with it, but salvation is already “not of works, lets any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:9) Besides, people can have pride about anything including saying, “I’m elect”. One Christian I knew who came out of Hyper Calvinism told me it appealed to his intellectual pride.
    Even those who believe in this doctrine already know there are possible problems (sometimes serious problems) associated with it. It has split more Bible colleges than any teaching I know of! It is also used by many as an excuse for not winning souls. After all, if God wants to save them, they will be saved even if I do nothing, and If God does not choose them for salvation, then according to their belief, no matter what I do they will not be saved. But Paul said, “Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.” (Acts 20:26-27) Why would Paul say a thing like that if it did not to some degree depend on him? See The Layman's Biblical Handbook
