The False Prophet = the Antichrist
1John 2:18 Children,
it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour.
1John 4:1-3 Beloved,
do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from
God, for many false prophets have gone
out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that
confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit
that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the
antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.
2John 7 For
many deceivers have gone out into the
world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Such a one is the deceiver and the
These terms show conclusively that John, author of the
Revelation of Jesus Christ, understood the terms false prophet and antichrist
to be synonymous. He clearly used them
interchangeably. It is ironic that we
are so used to calling the one specifically prophesied Antichrist by that very
title, that we ignore the fact that John is the only NT writer to even call him
‘Antichrist’ and yet he and Paul used other names for this figure.
As we can see from the first quote given, 1John 2:18, all
Christians were expecting a particular Antichrist to come. Pauls refers to this figure as the ‘lawless one’ – the man of lawlessness and the son of destruction who should come: i) empowered by Satan; ii) with false signs and false wonders to deceive the wicked; and iii) blasphemously exalting himself, within the temple of God, to the title of God on earth (2Thessalonians 2:3-12).
In Revelation 13, we see the first beast, i.e.
the Pagan Roman Empire. The dragon,
later revealed to be Satan, is the one who gives this empire its authority
(Revelation 13:2 & 4). Now the
second beast of this chapter is also empowered by Satan, as it exercises the
same power as the first beast (Revelation 13:11-12).
The identity of this second beast is also
revealed as ‘the false prophet’ who performed false wonders, creating an image
of the first beast, seeming to give life to it and causing people to receive the mark of the beast (Revelation
19:20). This is precisely what the
second beast of Revelation 13 does.
The blasphemous names on the whore who rides the
first beast (Revelation 17) are synonymous with the blasphemies that the False
Prophet causes the revived first beast to speak (Revelation 13:5-6 & 15). Rather than a whore riding the ten-horned
first beast, Daniel prophesies of the Antichrist as a ‘little horn’ which rises
up amongst the ten other horns and has dominion over them. He also speaks blasphemously (Daniel 7:8
& 20) and like the False Prophet makes war with the saints and overcomes
them (Daniel 7:21 and Revelation 13:7).
For now, the point is proven that the False Prophet is the
Antichrist. But who is or was the Antichrist?
(All Scripture quotes from ESV unless specified otherwise)
Delighted to see your work on YouTube and am sharing with people via FB and other venues. I saw a comment that Walid Shoebat deserves attention. I gather he is winning many to his point of view. What is the prime deception in his eschatology and what makes people prone to accept it?
ReplyDeleteShoebat's espoused view that the number of the beast is a pictoral reference to Islamic symbols is clearly bogus. Neither can Muhammad be the Antichrist, nor can Mecca be the great whore because Muhammad did not claim deity or the powers of deity nor does Mecca sit on seven hills.
ReplyDeleteI have searched high and low to find someone who understands that the 'beast from the sea' is political Rome out of which the 'beast from the earth' arises as religious Rome. The 'adventists' (& others) incorrectly - or intentionally - interpret Rev.13's 1st beast to be the Papacy and thereby have to find another entity to fulfill the 2nd beast, for instance, as they now teach, the 'beast of the earth' being USA.
ReplyDeleteThere are a number of other false teachings such as the 'earth beast' being the Jesuit General as taught by this site: .
What is ironic is that although these views coming from a rather historicists position, at least recognizing the Papacy as the 'antichrist,' they do essentially the same thing the Dispensational Futurists do in 'creating' a fictional character to fulfill a Biblical role when that role has already been fulfilled.
The point is, that by assuming the 'false prophet' of Revelation to be an entity along side or other than the 'antichrist,' they now set up a belief where that role has to be filled. If one rejects the fact of the Papacy being the 'antichrist/false prophet,' then another antichrist and another False Prophet has to found.
But if John, who used the term 'antichrist' previously to speak of 'the' Antichrist, referring to Paul's 'man of sin,' - if this was indeed his intention - why does he not use the same term in Revelation? John refers to the 'man of sin' in Revelation using the term, 'false prophet.'
Perhaps John, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wants us to recognize the religious or ecclesiastical nature of the 2nd beast as related to the political or secular nature of the 1st beast, as the word, 'prophet,' implies. How many, including non-Christians, consider the term, 'antichrist' to be speaking of some 'Hitlerish' global dictator and laugh at the notion of the pious, cross-carrying, robe-wearing Pope being the Antichrist!? But could the Pope and his church be corrupt in doctrine; could 'false prophet' be more easily considered by even devout Roman Catholics?
Is it not already well-demonstrated in Daniel's 'image of man' of Nebuchadnezzar's dream? That proceeding or following the 'legs of iron' of Pagan Rome would come an 'intermingling' of clay as Constantine initiates the 'church and state' or 'iron and clay' conglomerate of 'Roman Christianity.'
But this 'clay' is not the 'good clay,' it the 'miry clay.' It is apostatized Christianity or simply, the 'harlot church.'
If we use Scripture to interpret what the 'clay element' is in the feet of iron and clay, how much more clearer can it be that 'iron' represents Rome and 'clay' represents 'Christianity,' apostatized though it is.
But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.
Isa 64:8 KJV
And so we see not only a perfect synchronization between Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 — as you have explained here (Daniel - the Protestant interpretation - ► — but also in Revelation 13.
The 'feet of iron and clay' of Dan. 2 is also represented as the '10-horned beast and the little horn'of Dan. 7 which are also represented by the '10-horned sea beast and the '2-horned earth beast of Rev.13.'
In conclusion, we have perhaps 95% percent of Christendom looking for another antichrist when the Papacy has filled that role and then 95% of those who recognize the Papacy as 'antichrist' still looking for another 'false prophet' when in fact the Papacy fills that role also — because they are, as you have said, ONE AND THE SAME!
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